THE PROJECT A top New York-based agency (“Agency”) that specializes in creating record-breaking fundraising campaigns for cause-based nonprofits has been a long-time partner with Production...
You’re a 21st century communicator You’re working hard to post on at least one social network, and maybe several of them, every day You even know what Snapchat is After spending hours each week...
Roger Craver and I were talking recently about the focus on retention in his blog, The Agitator, which led me to kick this idea around with my own team here at Production Solutions We wondered how...
I’ve always been one to embrace change I believe all change is ultimately good, regardless of how it is packaged I firmly believe we grow as professionals…as people…when we look at change as an...
You can also read a version of Cheryl’s commercial direct mail recommendations for nonprofits under the “DM Deconstructed” section in the March 2014 issue of Fundraising Success magazine “A...
I was on a flight to LA last weekend, so I planned ahead and packed a stack of nonprofit and direct marketing industry publications that have been piling up on the side of my desk over the past few...